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Loja Province, Saraguro

by | Dec 9, 2016 | Ecuador, Photography, Southern Ecuador, The Andes | 3 comments

On my first visit to the Loja Province, Saraguro, I stayed at a small, family-run hostel just down the road from a friend’s childhood home. It was an adventure that introduced me to a new Andean culture, Saraguro.

I spent a week hiking local trails and heading into town to watch the Independence Day. I roamed city streets, ate Andean food, and photographed hundreds of people in local costume. I enjoyed collecting pictures of the iconic wool hats painted in black and white, of short dark pants protected by off-white muslin covers, of long dark wrap-around skirts, and of brightly embroidered blouses. But most of all, I enjoyed collecting smiles.

The people of Saraguro are proud of their heritage and the costumes I saw during the parade were also on display, if in a more sedate form, throughout the week. Saraguros are not unused to tourists or photographers but the entire process of taking photos of the population is certainly made easier when a parade is taking place.

I highly recommend staying in a single location in a smaller town in the Andes, especially if you are hoping for pictures that capture the culture. Saraguro is not high on the list for luxury tourists, but for those of you with a little patience, a spattering of Spanish, and a desire to explore, it has a lot to offer.

There are many articles to come about my time spent in the South of Ecuador. In the meantime, please enjoy these photos. They barely scratch the surface of this beautiful place.

Click on any photo to open a slideshow with further descriptions of each photo.

Ecuador Por Mis Ojos

Recently, the Instituto Geografico Militar of Ecuador and I released a book of photography, Ecuador Por Mis Ojos. This post shares photos from that book.

If you would like to see other photos from the book, please check out:

<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. judie apple

    this will be my 4th trip to ecuador and i am trying to contact homestays in the saragaru commuties..with no success.
    i have used emails to families that have homestays and also to saraurku the site for making these connectiions and reservations. i have never heard back from anyone. do you know how to make reservations in these small communities for homestays? thank you.

    and thank you for all your articles. i have used your recommendations many times and you are right on .

    • Angie Drake

      Hi Judie, I will reach out to you via email and see if we can find you a good Saraguro connection!

    • Angie Drake

      Hey Judie, we’ve tried reaching out via email and you have not responded. It’s possible you have responses in your junk mail. Please feel free to send me a note at


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