How We Found Panticucho
Like most tourists visiting Baños, we wanted to see a couple of well-known destinations: the Casa del Arbol with its swing that flies over a mountain precipice and the Hotel Runtun, a spa famous for its pool-side views of the valley below. Most tourists hike up on a multitude of trails or hire local taxis to drive up the backroad. We were fortunate to be in our own vehicle and at leisure to take the road less traveled. That’s how we came to find Panticucho.
While the cobblestoned Via Runtun eventually leads to those other famous sites, there is a small sign along the route promising llamas, birds, and orchids. It points in the opposite direction of the more famous locations. However, with the promise of wildlife and local fauna, don’t have to ask us twice. We were hooked.

Visiting Panticucho
The branch off the dirt road quickly led to a circular drive. We parked just below a wooden home backed by greenhouses and a mountain vista. On a clear day, it’s possible to see the Volcano Tungurahua. There was a trail that led to large bushes covered in small orange flowers where we could hear the high pitched tweets of hummingbirds. A tiny puppy, full of joy, came running to greet us, squirming in every direction at the same time as she begged to be petted. She was soon followed by an older dog and the owner of the Hospedaje Panticucho, Herminia Guevara.
For a mere $1 each, we could walk the trails. With the sounds of hummingbirds all around us, it wasn’t a hard decision to stay.

The Farm
With Herminia as our guide, we toured the grounds.
Each branch off the main path took us to a different part of the farm. One direction, we toured the Guinea Pig barn. There, the family raises guinea pigs for eating, much like Europeans raise rabbits. We saw the vegetable garden, well protected by fencing so that the critters couldn’t snack on the organic lettuces. We saw the tilapia pond where a failed experiment to raise fish is taking place. New ponds are being built higher up the hill in hopes that the tilapia will take off in a new location.

She knew where every hummingbird would be resting in the gardens. She pointed out Collared-Incas and Chestnut-breasted Coronets. She told us that many of the hummingbirds are temporary visitors. But others, like the Sparkling Violeteared Hummingbirds, make this their home year-round.

The Guest House
Herminia also showed us the small cabin along the back ridge that is available for rent. The rooms were small but cozy, with a fireplace and small tables to gather around. Or if you prefer lazying around outdoors, a hammock was available. If you’re more like me and have a hard time sitting still, you can hunt for orchids, many of which hang from the branches of trees surrounding the cabin.

The cabin is available at $25/person per night. The stay includes breakfast and the chance to help with morning chores, like milking the cows and feeding the guinea pigs. I think that if you were to stay more than a single night that prices would be flexible. You do have to take into consideration that a taxi ride from Baños is about $8 to $15 and could add considerably to the cost of a long-term stay. Unfortunately, there are no restaurants within walking distance. You can, however, let Herminia know you want to include meals and she can make vegetarian lunches and dinners from fresh produce grown on the farm or include a meat option with her own chickens or guinea pigs. She plans to offer fish as soon as the new ponds are fully working.

Contacting Herminia
The property is a small oasis. You could stay and hike the trails, watch the hummingbirds, enjoy the orchids, and not really need to leave. If you’re searching for an escape from the hustle and bustle of Quito, it might actually be a better option than staying in Baños. This location provides excellent views on non-cloudy days while being outside of the official danger zone. If you were looking for the chance to get great night shots of the volcano, this could be your perfect place.

If you don’t want to stay the night, I would still consider giving Herminia a call or WhatsApp at +593-991040056 to arrange for a lunchtime visit. You could have a traditional guinea pig lunch and enjoy all the property has to offer as you walk off your meal.
Before you go hunting online to make a reservation, know that Herminia does not have an internet connection. This is a constant problem for many small bed and breakfast operations in Ecuador. While they need the internet to attract customers, they have no access at home. It’s a catch 22. Please don’t let it stop you from visiting Hospedaje Panticucho.
“… tilapia pond where a failed experiment to raise fish is taking place …” That actually has me a little puzzled: tilapia are meant to breed in “any old hole in your backyard” and are one of the most prolific fish species, yet can be grown in pristine freshwater as much as in brackish muddy ponds. And still taste fresh … They above suggests they should try aquaponics and install closed-loop systems that benefit both fish and plants and insulate both from the vagaries of the environment too.
Your suggestions are excellent but not practical for this part of Ecuador where purchasing the most basic supplies for aquaponics can cost a lot of money even if they can be found. I think part of the problem is that the owner did not like the brackish water whatsoever near where her guests would stay as it did not make a pretty pond to look at and would encourage insects like mosquitos. Therefore she sees the experiment as failed but wants to try again in a new location.
If you are aware of programs in Ecuador that could help her build a better system, I would love to hear about them! I would make sure to share the information with the owner. Thanks so much for leaving a comment!