Global Big Day is the most important event for the identification and registration of birds in the world. Cornell University in the United States started the initiative in 2015 with the valuable objective of connecting citizen scientists with the biological diversity in their communities. By making a record of their observations, they also create a conservation awareness for the general public.

The Birdwatching Community

It is very easy to integrate into a community of birders, where the oldest members welcome you warmly and share knowledge based on their experience.

There are groups of amateurs and professionals, and they all share the same passion, birds. They attempt the identification of species via recordings, audios, photos and physical descriptions, not only identifying the bird but also registering proof of its location.

Birdwatching is a social phenomenon that involves lots of learning, including techniques for both finding and identifying this beautiful species.

Chondrohierax uncinatus/Hook billed Kite, male, Napo Province | ©Jacqueline Granda

Ecuador is a biodiverse nation

In the context of biodiversity, Ecuador is one of the seventeen mega-diverse countries in the world. It is recognized for its great biological and evolutionary wealth on a global scale. Of course, geological activity has played an important factor as Ecuador’s geography spans from sea level to almost 20,500 feet above sea level, while crossing four natural regions, each with its own characteristics and species that are found in each regions diverse microclimates.

“Because every bird matters, count from your house, patio, or garden”


The Covid-19 quarantine did not prevent Global Big Day’s annual count from taking place. With the slogan “From your window, from your garden, every bird counts”, the event created a lot of expectation and emotion as people realized that they could count and register birds from any point of the country.

For the first time in the history of Global Big Day, this activity included more than 50,000 people simultaneously in a single day. They used basic tools: good hearing and sharp eyes but also remote transmission and consultation, cameras, cell phones, and apps.

Ecuador earned third place in the global bird count with the registration of 995 species.

Some of our website’s members, including bird guides, participated in the Global Big Day of Ecuador:

Green-crowned Brilliant, Alambi, Nanegalito, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake
Blue-necked Tanager, La Bikok Ecolodge, Mindo, Ecuador | ©Nikolai Ullman

All You Need Is Curiosity To Start Birdwatching

Global Big Day is an opportunity to learn, participate, and preserve our natural places. All you need is enthusiasm, curiosity, and commitment.

The next edition of Global Big Day will be held in October of this year.  All the birds that you can identify can be registered on as your contribution to conservation research.

This digital platform has identification apps such as Merlin, free online courses, prizes and incentives for registration of lists, and more learning sources with which you can become an expert who cares for your home called Planet Earth and its beautiful species with wings.

Flame-faced Tanager, Choco Andino Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake
Masked Trogon | ©Angela Drake
Phalcoboenus carunculatus/Caracara Curiquingue juvenil, Rucu Pichincha, Quito| ©Jacqueline Granda
Land of Birds

It is all of América
aviary without measure.

In the sonorous dawn

each tree is a chorus.

So many wings in flight
lift América to heaven.”

Jorge Carrera Andrade

(Quito, 1903 -1978)

translation by Angie Drake

Chestnut-breasted Coronet Hummingbird; Guango Lodge, Papallacta, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake