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Walking the Streets of Cuenca

by | Mar 5, 2015 | Cuenca, Ecuador, Southern Ecuador, The Andes | 7 comments

I think I love Cuenca most because it is an extremely walkable place, unlike most cities in Ecuador. Crossing the street did not come with the fear that cars would run you over before noticing you were even there. Many of the walkable paths are pedestrian only and you don’t share them with diesel belching buses. There are old buildings, cobblestone streets, churches around almost every corner, and a river with multiple bridges to cross. There are plazas where you can find a bit of shade and vendors to sell you an ice cream or a bottle of water. And everyone is very friendly. If you plan on visiting Cuenca, plan at least a few hours of wandering.

The New Cathedral from the Flower Market, Cuenca, Ecuador
Horses with Rider on SimĆ³n BolĆ­var., Cuenca, Ecuador
The Plaza in front of the New Cathedral; Cuenca, Ecuador
Horses and Riders passing the New Cathedral Plaza; Cuenca, Ecuador
Detail of carved stone, Cuenca, Ecuador
Near the Apartments Otorongo and the Plaza del Otorongo, Cuenca, Ecuador
Just above Puente del Centenario, Cuenca, Ecuador
Best place for Panama Hats in Cuenca; Cuenca, Ecuador
Calle Juan Jaramillo near Calle Hermano Miguel, Cuenca, Ecuador
The New Cathedral as seen from Padre Aguirre near Juan Jaramillo, Cuenca, Ecuador
Carved wooden doors of the Iglesia de las Conceptas, Cuenca, Ecuador
Street Art, Cuenca, Ecuador
Old buildings on Calle Large, Cuenca, Ecuador
Honorato Vasquez y Presidente Borrero, Cuenca, Ecuador
Carved wooden doors to the Iglesia de Todos Santos, Cuenca, Ecuador
Tile Map, Cuenca, Ecuador
Street Art, Cuenca, Ecuador
Street Art on Calle Larga, Cuenca, Ecuador
Iglesia del San Alfonso, Cuenca, Ecuador
Carved wooden doors, Cuenca, Ecuador
Houses near the Rio Tomebamba, Cuenca, Ecuador
Detail of a stone step, Cuenca, Ecuador

Map of Cuenca

Iglesia de las Conceptas

Calle Larga

IglesĆ­a San Alfonso

Pedestrian Path near 3 de Noviembre

Calle Juan Jaramillo near Calle Hermano Manuel

IglesĆ­a de las Conceptas

Calle Cordova and Luis Cordero

Honorato Vasquez y Presidente Borrero

Padre Aguirre near Juan Jaramillo

Panama Hat Shop, Juan Jaramillo y Hermano Miguel

Iglesia de Todos Santos

The New Cathedral

Puente del Centenario

Plaza del Otorongo

Flower Market near the New Cathedral

<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. Joe

    Cuenca. So easy to love, so hard to forget…

    • AngelaJean

      Would you consider retiring there, Joe?

      • Joe

        I did consider that very thing, alas I’m stuck in Portland…

        • AngelaJean

          That’s okay… we can use all the friends we can get in Portland. It may one day be our future home as well. I liked Cuenca but I can’t imagine retiring in Ecuador, as much as we love it.

          • Joe

            I also thought about Guayaquil, a city very open in a conservative country.

  2. Mani (A New Life Wandering)

    What interesting pictures! I especially love the main one. Definitely looks like a cool city to wander around..

    • AngelaJean

      Wandering is often the best way to discover a new place! But I think you already knew that šŸ™‚


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