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South American Wildlife Photographer: Humberto Castillo J.

by | Apr 22, 2017 | Chile, Ecuador, Interviews, Photography | 0 comments

Ecuador is the muse of many a wildlife photographer. Each successful shot of the never-ending list of species or stunning panoramas feeds an addiction. For photographer, Humberto Castillo Jaramillo, the addiction was so great after his first visit to the sub-tropical jungles of the Amazon Basin that he moved from his home in Patagonia, Chile to Tena, Ecuador. Today, Humberto lives in the capital city, Quito but travels to the Amazon Basin on a regular basis.

Humberto Castillo Jaramillo

Born in Temuco, Chile in 1987, Humberto Castillo is primarily a self-taught photographer. As a teenager, he began shooting with a Canon t3i. A short three and half years ago, he began photographing wildlife. Ironically, his favorite lens, a Canon 100mm f/2,8L macro, makes it tough to photograph animals and birds as he needs to approach at a fairly close range. For distance, he prefers a 400mm.

Today, Humberto specializes in photos of wild birds but his work shows an obvious ability to photograph wild animals of all sorts. In fact, many of his best shots are of amphibians and reptiles of the Amazon and foxes in the Ecuadorian Andes.

Humberto loves the ease of traveling in Ecuador, where a trip from the highest Andean paramo down through thick cloud forests and into the rainforests of the Amazon Basin, takes only a day or two. Of course, a great trip almost always lasts much longer!

Humberto Castillo Jaramillo, wildlife photographer

For Humberto, the Amazon Basin is his favorite place in Ecuador. While he loves the diversity of animals, he really appreciates the good weather and kind people. He will keep visiting with hopes to  photograph three emblematic species that yet allude him: the Jaguar, the Harpy Eagle, and the Amazonian Bushmaster, the longest venemous snake in the Americas.

If you are intrigued by Humberto’s work, check out his album of photos for sale in the United States via our ShootProof Gallery. If you would like to take a trip with Humberto, he offers workshops in wildlife photography.

These photos by Humberto Castillo Jaramillo are available for sale at
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


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