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The Oldest Church in Ecuador

by | Apr 11, 2016 | Central Ecuador, Churches, Ecuador, The Andes | 2 comments

Common sense would have you think that the oldest church in Ecuador is located in the historic center of present day Quito. After all, the world famous UNESCO site has some of the best preserved colonial buildings in all of South America.

But you would be wrong.

The Founding of Quito

Almost five centuries ago, Conquistador Diego de Almagro founded Santiago de Quito near the town of Riobamba in a river valley skirting the highest mountain in Ecuador, Chimborazo. That site is in present day Colta, famous for a large lake that annually attracts thousands of migratory birds.

Construction of the first Catholic church in Ecuador, La Iglesia de la Virgen María Natividad de La Balbanera, began on August 15, 1534.

Surprisingly, the Colta capital survived for less than 4 months. Rumor has it that the climate near Colta was too cold and that the Spaniards required a more temperate location. The capital city of Quito moved to a location on the slopes of the Pichincha Volcano.

Tilework near the oldest church in Ecuador, the Iglesia de Balbanera, Colta | © Angela Drake
Entrance to the oldest church in Ecuador, Iglesia de Balbanera, Colta | © Angela Drake

The Oldest Church in Ecuador

According to historians, when Diego de Almagro arrived to the area, he and his 700 soldiers were met by more than a thousand Inca. In fear for their lives, the soldiers prayed to the Virgen de La Balbanera for protection. She is a Virgin revered in La Rioja, España for helping to convert a thief, Nuño Oñez, from a life of crime. The soldiers believed that the Virgin de Balbanera protected them in their time of need as the thousand Inca merely walked away and left without attacking. In thanks, the soldiers broke ground on what would become the oldest church in Ecuador.

But only four months after the first stones were laid, the capital city moved to Pichincha.

The Design

Despite moving the capital, the conquering Spaniards completed the church with the help of locals. Although the style is typically Baroque in nature, and therefore European, there are clear influences of native Ecuadorian artisans. First, the stones of the church are held together in the way of the Cañari people, who built the majority of the structures before the arrival of the Inca at the ancient temple of Ingapirca.

The basic construction of the walls and the roof are similar to traditional methods used in the high Sierra of Ecuador. Some stones are held together with cangahua, a type of adobe made from local earth, and the roof is constructed with straw (indigenous) protected by tile (colonial).

Entrance to the oldest church in Ecuador, Iglesia del Balbanera, Colta | © Angela Drake
Straw and Tilework of the oldest church in Ecuador, Iglesia del Balbanera | © Angela Drake
Inside the Iglesia de Balbanera, locals still use the church for services, Colta | © Angela Drake


But even more interesting are the carvings in the facade itself. On the top of four false columns lie the forms of covered pottery jars of the type used to make chicha, a fermented beverage commonly found throughout Ecuador.

Furthermore, two angels appear on either side of the doorway, each carrying a shigra, a bag woven from fibers of the agave plant. The shigra is a symbol of the agricultural community of the high Sierra, especially around Ambato and Riobamba. Today, anyone can buy a handwoven shigra in the local market but shigras were originally made for practical purposes, like holding freshly harvested fava beans or carrying a lunch into the fields.

Angel carrying a Shigra, a traditional bag woven from Agave plant fibers, the Iglesia de Balbanera, Colta | © Angela Drake
Angel carrying a Shigra, a traditional bag woven from Agave plant fibers, the Iglesia de Balbanera, Colta | © Angela Drake
Pottery Jars in Stonework on the oldest church in Ecuador, Iglesia del Balbanera, Colta | © Angela Drake

The front of the church appears to be a jumble of carved stone, some appearing in logical places, and others seeming rather haphazard. In 1797, there was a terrible earthquake which destroyed many buildings in the area. More than a 1000 people died and most buildings ended up in ruins. However, the the oldest church in Ecuador remained standing. So although some people believe the stones to be re-arranged after re-building the church, local lore says that the church has not been reconstructed. In fact, some sources claim that more than 90% of the church is original.

The Oldest Church Today

Today, masses and religious services are still offered to the local community but the church is not always open on a daily basis. The best chance of seeing the interior of the church is to visit on weekends or holidays. Then, the doors are wide open, vendors selling local goods fill the adjoining parking lot, and small, makeshift restaurants pop up selling the most popular dish in all of the Sierra, hornado.

International tourists visit the church during a day trip on one of the Ecuadorian tourism train routes:

  • The Tren del Hielo runs once a day on Saturday and Sunday from Riobamba to Colta and back. It is a short half day trip.
  • The Tren de la Quinua runs Tuesday through Friday and the afternoon train from Alausi to Riobamba stops in Colta. If you are starting in Riobamba and want to see the church, you will have to purchase roundtrip tickets or find an alternate way to arrive in Alausi before the return trip begins in the early afternoon.

But many other tourists arrive by car. A few take the bus from Riobamba to Colta.

If you’re lucky to show up on a sunny, clear day, you might also have the chance to snap a photo of the oldest church in Ecuador with the highest mountain in the world (as measured from the center of the earth), Chimborazo. Not too many people can lay claim to that. In fact, the above featured photo of this article was kindly shared by David Muñoz of Deyvid Travel on his last tour to the La Balbanera.

Iglesia de la Virgen María Natividad de La Balbanera, the oldest Church in Ecuador | © Angela Drake

La Iglesia Balbanera

There is a large parking lot in front of the church. It may be crowded on weekends and holidays. Please do not leave valuables in your car.

Information For Your Trip

  • Direction by Car: use WAZE and look for Iglesia de Balbanera
  • Direction by Public Transportation: From the Bus Terminal in Riobamba, purchase a ticket to Colta. The church is on the outskirts of town.
  • Directions by Train: For more information on tours with Tren Ecuador, please visit their website.
A young woman holds a delicate White-tipped Sicklebill hummingbird, with an extremely curved beak, in her hands.

Why This Trip Matters

Laura sees this trip to Canada as a key step toward fulfilling her dream: building her own nature reserve in Ecuador. She wants to integrate what she learns abroad—new techniques, fresh perspectives, and international best practices—into her work back home. Her goal is to create a space that protects essential habitat and inspires others to connect with nature.

She’s already doing that at Mashpi Amagusa, where she leads groups ranging from casual visitors to seasoned bird photographers. Her guiding isn’t just about ticking off species—it’s about sparking wonder and respect for the extraordinary biodiversity of the Andes.

Let’s Get Laura to Canada

Ecuador’s minimum wage is just $480 a month. For someone like Laura, the costs of international travel—flights, visa applications, warm clothing for a Canadian fall, even an occasional meal out—are daunting. Our goal is to raise $6,500 to help cover those expenses.

If you’ve ever birded in Ecuador, if a bird guide has helped you see the natural world in a new way, or if you simply believe in empowering young women to work in conservation, I hope you’ll consider helping Laura fly.

This isn’t just about one trip. It’s about investing in a bright, driven, conservation-minded woman who will carry the lessons of this experience back to Ecuador, where they’ll take root and grow for years to come.

<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. Nina

    I love this! Thank you for writing it, and sharing it. I cannot wait to return and explore! Please send me any and all things Ecuador and history.
    I’m sooo excited and profoundly touched to have stumbled into you and your information!

    • Angie Drake

      We’re glad you found us as well! Feel free to browse our website for more articles or send me an email with your questions. I’ll see if I can help you out!


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