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Kale & Cauliflower in Quito?

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Ecuador, Food and Recipes, Quito, The North | 5 comments

Kale in Quito? It isn’t exactly a well-known vegetable in South America, much less Ecuador. But for those craving these trendy greens, I have some good news. There is a small organic farm, Finca Orgánica Chaupi Molino, that not only grows kale but sells it in Quito on Friday mornings in La Floresta and in Cumbaya on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. They also sell gorgeous bright orange carrots, slender white leeks, a myriad of lettuces, tender baby cauliflowers, broccoli greener than any in the local store, and a selection of fresh herbs ranging from easy to find dill to harder to find quality cilantro.

Leeks, carrots, and swiss chard, Mercado La Esquina, Cumbaya, Ecuador
Freshly picked strawberries, Mercado La Esquina, Cumbaya, Ecuador
Fresh herbs, Mercado La Esquina, Cumbaya, Ecuador
Lettuces in a myriad of colors and varieties, Mercado La Esquina, Cumbaya, Ecuador

That latter might need some explanation for those of you who haven’t lived in Quito; cilantro at the average grocery store is more frond and stem than it is leaves. Finca Orgánica Chaupi Molino brings fat bundles of perfect cilantro to market. Warm weather veggies show up as well including a yellow zucchini that is tastily sweet and tomatoes that ripen very well if left on a sunny counter in the kitchen. In the last few weeks the farm has also offered delicious strawberries, tinier than the ones found elsewhere and twice as delicious. If you want kale, however, you need to arrive early. You’ll notice that there isn’t any kale in my pictures because the market had been going for two hours and all types of kale were sold out.

Team Members at the Market in La Equina, Cumbaya, Ecuador
Finca Chaupi Molino also sells jams, jellies, sauces, fresh cheese, and yogurt, and more, Mercado La Esquina, Cumbaya, Ecuador
This farm, or finca, stands out not just because it grows and sells kale but because it is working to create a new farming culture in Ecuador. The farm has been in existence for over thirty years. The owner, Francisco Gangotena, has degrees in farming and agriculture from the United States and returned to Ecuador in order to prove that it is completely possible to grow fruits and vegetables without chemicals. His philosophy not only includes protecting the soil but strengthening the ties between the campesinos and their land. If you would love to learn more about this farm and practice your Spanish listening skills, Ama la Vida has produced this excellent video about the farm:

If you would like to support this farm by making purchases of their excellent products, including jams, jellies, fresh cheese and yogurt, arepas, etc., as well as fresh produce, then get yourself to the nearest market:

La Esquina Shopping Mall, Cumbaya

The market can be found on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They set up on the interior plaza on the second level.

La Floresta Market

La Floresta market can be found on Friday mornings. Parking can be tight so be patient if you come in your own car.

Information For Your Trip

Bring your own shopping bags and carry cash. Small bills and dollar coins are the most useful. Getting change for a $20 can be difficult if your purchase is under $10.

  • Direction by Car, use WAZE and for the Wednesday and Saturday market, look for Centro de negocios La Esquina, Cumbaya, Quito, Pichinha OR  for the Friday market, look for Mercado La Floresta, Galavis, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Direction by Public Transportation for buses around Quito, use Google Maps, enter the name of your destination, and click on get directions. Use the public transportation button to find the best route from  your current location.
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. Tanya

    Me encanta el kale en ensaladas y lo comi hace poco en una pizza!

  2. Tanya

    Hola Angie!
    Como esta tu esposo y tus hijos? Cuando vienen para aca?
    Saludos afectuosos.

    • Angelajean


      Todo esta muy bien! En el verano próximo espero que vayamos a los EEUU. Cuando vienes para Ecuador?


  3. drue

    So bright and healthy looking. Wish we had more to choose from at the moment. Also, looks like they are selling Labneh (the yogurt balls in oil) or is that something else?

    • Angelajean

      You called it! Labneh it is – creamy, delicious, with just a hint of lemon. It has become our go to soft cheese.


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