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Ingapirca – The Trail

by | Jan 27, 2015 | Archaeology, Ecuador, Hiking, Southern Ecuador, The Andes | 2 comments

After touring the Cañari-Incan ruins at Ingapirca, you’ll come upon a small trail sign inviting you to discover a few other wonders that can be tied to the Cañari and Incan cultures. In fact, walking the trail is absolutely free and if you decided not to visit the Ingapirca complex, the hike alone provides stunning views of the Incan Temple and the retaining walls that surround it. My best photos of the site were taken from the high point of the trail.

The best view of Ingapirca, Cañar, Ecuador

In a single hour, you can expect to see some ancient baths thought to be used for ceremonies at the top of a hill overlooking Ingapirca, a stone partially carved by the Cañari so that it looks like a turtle, a piece of carved stone that has fallen into a farm field but originally belonged to the baths high above, a natural formation that the local Cañari worshiped because of its similarity to the sun, and a face carved into a mountainside. And those are just the ancient sites. You can also enjoy walking past fields of freshly sown corn, chat with local farmers about fresh milk, and wonder at the men and women working fields so steep it seems nearly impossible that they could stand upright. You might spot tanagers flying in the Eucalyptus grove or llamas grazing near the trail. And if you’re lucky, a local farm woman might wave in thanks as you step off the trail to allow her to keep running by so that she isn’t late to help her husband water the cattle.

Turtle Head, Ingapirca Trail, Cañar, Ecuador
Fragment from Bath, Ingapirca Trail, Cañar, Ecuador
Inkañawi, the Ancient Face of the Inca, Cañar, Ecuador
Llama, Trail at Ingapirca, Cañar, Ecuador
Local Farmers, Ingapirca Trails, Cañar, Ecuador
Intiñawi, the Face of the Sun, Ingapirca Trail, Cañar, Ecuador
Farm Fields, Ingapirca Trail, Cañar, Ecuador

Ingapirca Trail Head

Information For Your Trip

Most people plan day trips from Cuenca to visit Ingapirca. 

  • Direction by Car, use WAZE and look for Ingapirca, Provincia de Cañar.
  • Direction by Public Transportation Purchase a ticket to Ingapirca from the main bus terminal in Cuenca. You can use this Horario de Buses to find times of buses leaving in the next day or two.
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


    • AngelaJean

      There’s something special about llamas, isn’t there? I never get tired of seeing them.


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