The Casa de la Cultura re-opened on Saturday, May 19, 2018.
The new exhibits should include these works. However, the museum has reorganized the collections since the writing of this article.
If you have visited the newly revamped museum and care to write an article for us, please let us know!
The Casa de la Cultura in Quito is a giant round building near Parque El Ejido. It contains varied spaces, from theaters small and
As you enter, the first room is full of a large collection of pottery from several pre-Columbian cultures, not just the Inca. In the back rooms, space is dedicated to colonial times with a collection of mainly religious artifacts that demonstrate the power of Catholicism during colonization.
A Museum of Gold
But there is a collection more impressive than both of these. In a small space that looks darker than night awaits a stunning collection of gold. Lights turn on in each room as patrons enter so that the gold is lit only when a person is there to see it. The gold gleams in the dark space. The highly polished surfaces, the intricate metalwork and the artistry of each and every piece are on display. If you only have time to visit a single collection at the Casa de la Cultura, this Museum of Gold should be it.
Casa de la Cultura
Information For Your Trip
The collection at the Casa de la Cultura also includes outdoor sculptures so plan time for the museum inside as well as walking some of the grounds around this beautiful, mirrored structure.
- Direction by Car, use WAZE and look for Casa de la Cultura, Quito, Ecuador.
- Direction by Public Transportation for buses around Quito, use the Google Map link and click on get directions. Use the public transportation option to find the best from your current location.