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Help Us Hire Ecuadorian Writers

by | Aug 6, 2020 | Ecuador, News | 0 comments

During the current pandemic, tourism providers in Ecuador are basically out of work. This is especially true for tour guides who are often hired on a contract basis by tour agencies. They do not qualify for unemployment. But we can help!

Tour Guides As Travel Writers

Tour guides are uniquely positioned to know a lot about their country, especially regional destinations near their homes where most are undergoing quarantine. We want to pay these guides to write articles for our website but our ability to fund this project is hampered by our lack of funds. It’s hard to sell trip itineraries when no one is planning a trip!

Could you help out? A donation to our Ecuadorian Travel Writers Fund could make the difference in the life of one of our local tour guides.


A Donation Helps Us All

This relationship will benefit all of us.

First, tour guides win because they will make money for writing in their native language (we’ll handle the translation into English). Furthermore, their name will become more recognized on search engines like Google, helping them grow their personal brand. When travel and tourism start up again, a guide who has written articles on our website will find that many of their pieces will appear on Google’s first page because we will help them chose key words and search terms that travelers are most likely to look for. Additionally, we will link their author biographies to more information about their guiding services.

Second, you win because there will be more information that will help inform your choices when you choose to travel in and around Ecuador again.

Third, Not Your Average American wins because we get to add great content to our website.

How Will This Work?

When you click on the donate button and add money to our Ecuadorian Writers Fund, we will hire a writer to produce an article. To give you an idea of how far your donation will go, first time writers will earn a basic fee of $50 for their article of 500 words. More experienced writers will earn more money. We also have to take into account the cost of sending money from the US to Ecuador, a fee that can range anywhere from $2.99 to several dollars. We attempt to use the most economical source for the amount of money we are sending.

Our hope is to train writers how to use WordPress so that they may decide to start their own blogs or use that knowledge to help other Ecuadorian tour operators to add blogs to their online presence.

We Want To Thank You

We will add a thank you for each donor at the bottom of this article unless you tell us not to. Here’s what that would like:

Any comment you would like to leave for us and/or our comment thanking you for your donation. Also, the image can be swapped out for your company logo or your photo.

Your Name Here

Your Title, Your Company Name with link

Special Instructions

If you would like your donation to be earmarked for a particular author, please leave a note with their name on the purchase page.

This is also a great time to point out that we are also accepting other donations. You may have noticed the drop down menu that offers the choice of “Support Our Website”. Recently, we have had people ask how to compensate us for many of our informative articles. We finally decided it was beyond time to add a way to do that. We appreciate any tips and donations you would like to offer!


To more easily see our current collection of Ecuadorian author articles, we have created a new category: Ecuadorian Author.

<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


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