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Wear A Mask With Ecuador’s Beautiful Places

by | Jul 2, 2020 | Ecuador, Interviews, News | 0 comments

Looking for a mask that makes a statement? If you live in Ecuador, look no further than these one-of-a-kind face masks designed by former tour guide Jacqueline Granda. Her motivation is clear. She needs to earn a living while tourism in on hold.

A Face Mask with a Dual Purpose

Jacqueline has designed face protection with a dual purpose. The first is to protect against the coronavirus with 3 anti-fluid layers: the first is polyester, the second is polycotton and the third is a filter that allows for comfortable breathing while preventing glasses from fogging up. The second purpose is to promote tourism in Ecuador with the #TurismoVisual campaign. For this, she uses photos of Ecuador’s most iconic images and prints them on the fronts of masks. Currently, her customers are most enamored with the birds like the Hoatzin and the Chestnut-breasted Toucan, destinations like the crater lake at the Altar Volcano, and images of Ecuador’s Sucre, the money used before dollarization happened over 20 years ago.

Hoatzin Face Mask; available in Quito, Ecuador
Face Mask of Ecuadorian Sucre with image of Rumiñahui


Face Masks Will Become Travel Mementos

Her project is garnering interest among other guides and tour providers. In fact, many of them, like Jefferson Morales, Alejandro Valenzuela, Felipe Araujo, and Danny Noriega, have donated photos for her project. And some are planning to use these masks in a unique way.

Cesitar Ortega, a tour operator in Sangay National Park, is interested in her masks of the Altar Volcano and its eye-catching turquoise-blue crater lake for his upcoming trip to the same destination. He hopes to be conducting tours with Ecuadorian nationals as soon as August. Furthermore, he understands that it will be important to socially distance as best possible even while riding horses. These unique masks not only help protect his clients, but they will also become a treasured memento that will remind clients of their trip well after it is completed.

Altar and its Crater Lake on a Face Mask

Personalized Masks For Your Every Need

If wearing a mountain lake or a snow-covered volcano isn’t your cup of tea, you can chose your own photo. These masked can be personalized for your own style. In fact, if you have a favorite photo on the pages of Not Your Average American, let us know! We will make it available to Jacqueline for making a mask just for you.

If you have your own photo, even better! Particularly popular with her neighbors and friends are masks made with pictures of the family’s favorite pets. Just check out the smiling eyes in the following photo!

The family pets' photo on a Face Mask!

Ordering Your Face Masks

Each mask costs $5. With an order of three or more masks, delivery is free in Quito. For more than 10 masks, ask about her special discounts. Delivery outside of Quito can be arranged for a fee.

If you would like to see more options or mask designs, check out Jacqueline’s Facebook Page, Mascarillas Turísticas Y Personalizadas.

Lodges, tour operators, and others looking to add masks to their items offered for sale, please contact Jacqueline. She is willing to work with your company to help design a product that your clients will want to wear while visiting your destination. Your order now could help this tour guide make ends meet during this difficult time.

To order your face masks, contact Jacqueline Granda on WhatsApp at +593-99-295-0627 or via the Facebook page. She speaks Spanish, English, and French.

Jacqueline Granda wearing her favorite face mask
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


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