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Ecuadorian Hummingbirds

by | May 10, 2015 | Birds, Ecuador, Wildlife | 4 comments

My mom just loves hummingbirds. I wish she could come visit Ecuador so she could see these lovely creatures in person. But since she can’t, this slideshow will hopefully be the next best thing. Happy Mother’s Day, Mum!

Hovering your mouse over a picture will tell you the name of the hummingbird and where its photo was taken. If you would prefer to see these photos in a slideshow, please click on any one. Links to all the locations can be found after the photos.

If you would like to see some of these birds on your next trip to Ecuador, here is handy dandy reference list of the places listed on the photos:

Alambi Guesthouse – although this is only a backyard setting, the opportunities to see new species are just incredible. Protected viewing even on a rainy day.

Bellavista Lodge – feeders are at the main lodge. Even on a rainy day, the birds visit while you can watch from the protected benches nearby.

Casa del Suizo – as you walk up to the lodge from the river, there will be narrow but long grassy area to the right. It overlooks native vegetation and we had the best look birdwatching from there, especially early mornings and late afternoons. A cat roams the main grounds so we gave up trying in the vicinity of the lodge.

Chirije Lodge – check out the open field just above the lodge and before the trail heading up the mountain.

Cotopaxi National Park – (Ecuadorian Hillstar can be seen in the bushes with orange flowers that you will drive past on your way to the parking lot of the Refugio)

Jerusalem Regional Park – Several hummingbirds can be seen at the small pond with the island in the center; Black-tailed Trainbearers can be seen on the birding trail in the dryer scrub areas, especially if you take the lesser used trails to the left.

Papallacta Hot Springs – although none of the pictures come from this spot, it is also a great place for hummingbirds. We have seen the Shining Sunbeam every visit and the Sword-billed and a long tailed trainbearer (unsure which) on other visits.

San Jorge Eco-Lodge – The feeders at the Lodge are wonderful. There is also a chance to see the Giant Hummingbird and the Ecuadorian Hillstar if you hit the trails. Ask at the lodge for specifics.

Wildsumaco Lodge – they have feeders at the main lodge but don’t skip the feeders on the upper trail. Ask at the lodge for directions.

Yanacocha Reserve – they have just placed feeders the new visitors center but we don’t know which birds are visiting. We recommend the 40 minute hike to the lower and upper hummingbird gardens.

<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. Charles Chan

    Dear Angie, I lived in Quito for 40 years and traveled around Ecuador and the Galapagos. I don{t know as much as you do. You are an extraordinary writer and did extensive research on the subject.

    • Angie Drake

      Thanks so much, Charles! I’m glad you are enjoying the website!

  2. Drue

    Punk rocker hummingbirds, indigo and purple, long-beaked, and long-tailed!! Thanks for the fun Mother’s Day post. I and the girls squealed at each new kind.

    • AngelaJean

      I love the image of you and the girls squealing! Happy Mother’s Day, Drue!


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