No single person can write everything about Ecuador. Believe me, I am in the process of trying! And for every article I finish, there are ten more waiting to be written. So I’ve pulled together a list of some of the better news sites, expat blogs, and websites that I think are worth your time.

Ecuador News in English

  • The Andes website has an English portal to read news with a focus on Ecuador.
  • The Ecuador Times is a news site with slightly odd but very readable English.
  • Telesur offers an English language website. Unfortunately, they do not break down Latin American news coverage by country but they do have an Ecuador tag.
  • Zero Lat Living is a news aggregator, taking news from different outlets. They send out a once a week update.
  • For advertising items for sale, real estate, or general questions, check out

Ecuador Blogs

I’ve tried to choose blogs that publish often. If you would like to see your Ecuador blog listed here, please contact me using the form below.

South America in General

Not many websites try to tackle all of South America. But we expect this list to grow as expat and travel writers add more South American nations to their bucket lists.

Expat Living in General

If you’d like to read more about living overseas, not just in Ecuador, but in many locations, you can find a great list by country at Expats Blog.

Contact Us

If you would like to add your blog or recommend another website that we should add to our lists, please fill out the contact form below:

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