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Cantuña – The Man Who Tricked The Devil

by | Oct 31, 2018 | Ecuador, Quito | 8 comments

In the historic center of Quito, you’ll notice many stores and restaurants named for Cantuña, a man famous in Quiteño history. But his history is complex, with stories and legends changing depending on the person telling the tale.

According to our local guide, Adriana, Cantuña was a famous mestizo, a man of mixed race whose mother was indigenous and father of Spanish blood. According to other sources, he was the son of Hualca who helped the famous Incan general Rumiñahui hide the treasures of Quito from the Spanish conquistadors. But most legends seem to agree on the following part of the story.

The Legend of Cantuña

One day, the head priest of Quito came to Cantuña to ask if he would build the atrium for the future San Francisco Church. Cantuña proudly claimed, “Si, por cierto!

Thus, the priest contracted him for this very important job. However, as time passed, Cantuña realized that he had promised too much and that he would not finish the job in the required time. He would need help so he turned to God and prayed. Unfortunately, God did not answer.

So he prayed again. Still, no answer.

He prayed yet again. And still, God remained silent.

So Cantuña thought very hard and decided that if God was not going to answer that he needed to turn in another direction, so he asked for the Devil’s help instead.

The Legend of Cantuña, Plaza San Francisco, Historic Center, Quito | ©Angela Drake
Iglesia San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake

The Devil immediately appeared and the two began the process of hammering out a contract. Of course, in return for finishing the atrium, the Devil wanted Cantuña’s soul. It couldn’t be otherwise. Therefore, Cantuña agreed but with one caveat, if the Devil and his diablitos (little devils) did not place every piece of brick and mortar by the tolling of the first bell at 6 am, then the deal would be canceled. The Devil laughed, knowing that his diablitos were the most excellent stone masons and could finish the work in no time at all.

And so the contract was sealed and the work began. Cantuña kept his eye on the progress and while walking among the diablitos, he managed to remove one stone from a finished wall where the mortar was not yet dry. He slipped it under his poncho and hid it from view. The diablitos were so busy working that they noticed nothing.

Morning arrived and the Devil and Cantuña met at the base of the newly built Atrium. The Devil asked him if he was ready to part with his soul. As the first sound of the six o’clock bell chimed, Cantuña laughed and asked the Devil if he would like to take a closer look at the newly built walls. Low and behold, there was a single stone missing and as the bell rang the sixth time, the contract was broken. Cantuña walked away, soul intact and a job well done.

This article was originally published in April 2013

It has since been updated with new photos, corrected grammar, and information about Sikimira. 

Legends in Pillows

An Ecuadorian artist has started her own business making textile products like purses and pillows that incorporate Ecuadorian traditions and icons. You can purchase the Devil Pillow with Cantuña and much more on her website, or visit her workshop in Quito at Jerónimo Carrión N 22-14 in between Avenida 12 de Octubre y Tamayo. She is open Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 6:30 pm and can be contacted by telephone at 02-544-898 or 099-654-9383.

Cantuña Pillow made by Sikimira
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. Daniel Aguilar

    Do you have source material for the story? Thanks!

    • Angie Drake

      Hi Daniel! As I point out in the article, Adriana, our guide, told us this story. She is my primary source. I used to link to an online source but they have removed their article. Your best bet is to search using terms in Spanish. Good luck finding the sources you need for your class!

  2. liam

    This is so helpful! I was trying to find the story after hearing about it in the book “Charlie Throne and the Lost City”. It seemed interesting in the book, and now I love it! Thank you for making this, I looked for almost half a hour, and couldn’t find anything, until I found yours!

    • Angie Drake

      Now I want to read “Charlie Throne and the Lost City”! Thanks so much for letting me know that this article helped you out. Comments like yours keep me writing 🙂

  3. Cris

    thanks you, y needed the information for my English class

    • Angie Drake

      I’m glad to know that the article came in handy! Good luck in your English class!

  4. Alberto

    Hello Angie,
    I am from Ecuador living in Miami. We just received a visitor from a Ecuador in our office today and she brought presents. One of the presents was the San Francisco church in ceramic. I remembered about a certain legend about the church and try to tell it my co-workers and told it somewhat wrong.
    I found your article and now I can tell it the right way.
    I lived in Ecuador for so many years and I have never been to San Francisco church.

    Enjoy Ecuador.

    • Angie Drake

      Thanks so much for letting me know that you like this article! I hope you get to come back and visit Ecuador and enjoy the San Francisco Church. It is a beautiful place. Nowadays, they let tourists climb up into the bell towers to enjoy the gorgeous views of historic Quito. I am sure you would love it!


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