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Burrowing Owls – Cochasqui

by | Nov 28, 2015 | Birds, Ecuador, The Andes, The North, Wildlife | 2 comments

We had the most unexpected encounter with some Burrowing Owls at an archeology site just outside Quito, Ecuador. The name of the place is Cochasqui and the ruins have been on our bucket list for a while. Since it is close to one of our favorite birding destinations, Parque Jerusalem, we took the long lens just in case. And am I glad I did… the dry hillsides of the ancient pyramids of Cochasqui make a perfect nesting habitat for these diurnal owls.

The Burrowing Owls of Pichincha are a subspecies, Athene cunicularia pichinchae – similar in appearance and behavior to other burrowing owls found throughout the Americas but separated geographically from other populations. Burrowing owls all have longer legs than other owls. They are active during the day but also hunt at dusk and dawn. They have incredibly bright yellow eyes and lack ear tufts. White feathers over their eyes look like eyebrows and can often give them the appearance of expressing emotion. For me, that makes them a perfect subject for photographers!

Be warned, visitors are required to pay an entrance fee and be accompanied by a guide. While the others in our group enjoyed their encounter with a huge herd of llamas, we took time to photograph the owls instead.

Burrowing Owl; Cochasqui, Pichincha, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake / Not Your Average American
Burrowing Owl; Cochasqui, Pichincha, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake / Not Your Average American
Burrowing Owl; Cochasqui, Pichincha, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake / Not Your Average American
Burrowing Owl; Cochasqui, Pichincha, Ecuador | ©Angela Drake / Not Your Average American

Cochasqui, the Town

This is the small town of Cochasqui which is about a 15-minute walk from the archeology park.

Cochasquí Archeology Park

This is the parking and entrance to the Cochasquí Archeology Park. The owls can be found nesting in the park.

Information For Your Trip

Make sure to wear comfortable hiking shoes. On weekdays, it’s recommended to pack your own food. On weekends and holidays, there is sometimes a food vendor selling comida típica.

  • Direction by Car, use WAZE and look for Cochasqui Archaeological Park, Ecuador.
  • Direction by Public Transportation It might be possible to be dropped off on the main road just past the toll booth and hike up the mountain to Cochasqui. Alternatively, take the bus from Quito to Tabacundo and hire a local taxi for the rest of the trip.
<a href="" target="_self">Angie Drake</a>

Angie Drake

Angie consults with small tourism businesses in the Americas on best practices for attracting aligned clients. She loves to travel to lesser-known destinations. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon and dreams of her next trip to Ecuador.


  1. Kim and Zoe

    Your 400m lens is getting it’s work out. Lovely photos!! Wish we were there!

    • Angelajean

      Wish you were here too… off to the Galapagos in the New Year 🙂


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