Our Blog

In Search of the Andean Spectacled Bear

In Search of the Andean Spectacled Bear

The Andean spectacled bear is one of South America’s most elusive creatures, a ghost of the cloud forest that few are lucky enough to see in the wild. As the only bear species native to South America, it holds a special place in Andean ecosystems and the cultural...

The Pacari Chocolate Experience

The Pacari Chocolate Experience

Paccari Chocolate has long held a special place in our chocolate-loving hearts—not just for their mouthwatering mix of rich dark chocolate and vibrant Ecuadorian fruits, but for their commitment to organic and sustainable practices. That's why we're happy to announce...

Our Favorite Face Masks for Safe Travel

Our Favorite Face Masks for Safe Travel

Have you ever wondered which face mask provides the best protection for international travel? You are not alone. As a person who is immunocompromised, I am afraid of flying during the Covid-19 pandemic.  A few weeks ago, I took the plunge and flew across the country...